Healing From Your Trauma With Ali Kates

Today, we’re joined by Ali Kates, a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach and Somatic Experience Practitioner In-Training who believes that trauma & emotional pain is not just about what happened to you, but how it left your nervous system after said event. The thing that people do not realize about trauma is that it cannot be "out talked" or "out thought", it lives in the BODY. 

Most people that Ali works with (including herself) have tried almost everything under the sun to work on themselves and their emotional pain/trauma but nothing seems to move the needle until they address the trauma stored in the body. The body remembers everything even if your mind forgets and this is why in her coaching practice she focuses largely on the BODY.  

When trauma is stored in the body for too long it will start manifesting in disease, autoimmune, gut dysbiosis, skin issues, fatigue, weight gain, and more. The key to working through this is learning the tools to move it out of your body. She encourages people that what works for one person may not work for you, which is OK and to accept that healing is unique, just like you.

In today’s episode we talk about how emotional charges are held in your body, the emotional cycle and how to complete it, places in your body you may feel tension, finding empowerment in your experiences, the connection between feeling behind in life and your mental health, how anger can be used in a healthy way and so much more.


✨ Follow Ali on Instagram at @alikates.co
✨ Check out Ali's website www.alikates.co
✨ Join the Emotional Health Accelerator and save 20% with code THINKINGABOUT20

Hosted by @kirstimcnabney 🎙
Find links, inspiration and updates on @thinkingaboutpodcast

This episode was edited by Amanda Wan of Wan Media

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