Empowering Women Towards A Well-thy Life Through Finances, Real Estate And Travel With Huda Alvi
Today, we're thinking about empowering women to live their well-thiest life with Huda Alvi. Huda is a real estate agent & self taught investor. Going from broke and unemployed to owning five properties in less than 12 months, Huda shares her journey of perseverance through her social media presence. She is the creator of The Wellthy Women, whose mission is to help women invest in real estate and become financially independent through events, courses and a Masterclass in the pipeline for 2023. She also runs a super cool side hustle called The Girls Trip - a bad ass tour company empowering women to travel more.
In the conversation, you’ll hear us talk about why she started her "Brown Girl Bucket List" series on TikTok, the importance of taking time for yourself and how she fits that in as a wife and mother of two, what her bucket list includes and how her vision board helps her break down her themes.
We talk about her money journey, where to start including some resources if you’re looking to become financially well – which as you’ll hear for Huda means well on all levels, and we also talk about her recent solo travel to Colombia, how she plans EPIC itineraries, the importance of solo travel and of course, how you can take advantage of her travel planning skills on incredible adventures through the newly relaunched company, The Girls Trip.
✨ Huda's Instagram
✨ Huda's TikTok
✨ The Girls Trip Instagram
✨ The Girls Trip Website
Hosted by @kirstimcnabney 🎙
Find links, inspiration and updates on @thinkingaboutpodcast
This episode was edited by Amanda Wan of Wan Media
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